The Museum of Everything

The Museum of Everything was my favorite exhibition from last year and this year it was pretty good too. Only this time it was a collection of stuff owned by Peter Blake. He makes me feel ok about the amount of stuff I have between me and my partner who likes to collect things too. I just don’t have the money or space to display it all as Peter Blake does being a world famous artist.

Maybe I should write a blog about my partners stuff?

Anyway the show held its own. It began with images of circus freaks or what’s the pc description, physically challenged people who performed at the circus. Through to Carter’s steam fair painted coconut shys and other fairground attractions. Then onto the Potter’s museum of taxidermy animals in scenes based on nursery rhymes and stories such as ‘the house that Jack built’.

There was also a mini Funfair which lit up, spun and whizzed every half hour. Made by a retired man who collected bits and pieces over years and putting it together in his garage, then finally selling it in auction to Peter Blake.

Maybe the Museum of Everything could focus on unusual collections of stuff?

Or Hobbyists and fanzine memorabilia like Elvis, crisp packets, train sets, match stick buildings, painting by numbers?

Anyway, it was quite a pleasant afternoon. I recommend it although I did prefer the first Museum of Everything show. There was just enough to keep me interested. Catch the show before it ends on 23rd December 2010. And going to Primrose Hill and Camden is also fun.

There are talks and screenings happening on the weekends, check the website for info:


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